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- $Unique_ID{how04372}
- $Pretitle{}
- $Title{Russo-Turkish War
- Part I.}
- $Subtitle{}
- $Author{Mueller, Wilhelm}
- $Affiliation{}
- $Subject{thousand
- turkish
- pacha
- powers
- porte
- war
- government
- hundred
- russia
- three}
- $Date{}
- $Log{}
- Title: Russo-Turkish War
- Author: Mueller, Wilhelm
- Part I.
- 1877
- The persistent cruelty and treachery of the Turkish Government were never
- shown more completely than in the events that led to the war with Russia in
- 1877-1878, and in the war itself. The massacre of Christians in time of
- peace, the murder of prisoners on the battlefield, the repetition of insincere
- promises of reform - these things have long been characteristic of Turkish
- administration, and every renewal of them excites the reader's wonder that the
- Great Powers of Europe, all of which are professedly Christian, and all of
- which observe the laws of civilized warfare, have not long since taken such
- action as would completely eliminate Turkey and Turkish influence from
- participation in European affairs. No doubt they would have done so were it
- not for the determination of the Western Powers to thwart Russia in her
- approaches to the Mediterranean. And another thought that may strike the
- unprejudiced reader of this and the following article concerns the moral
- quality of the action of the Western Powers in the Congress at Berlin. It
- seems that if they were to arrogate to themselves the settlement of the
- questions at issue, they were bound to do it at the beginning, and save
- bloodshed, instead of leaving Russia to fight the war through, and then
- depriving her of a large part of the fruits of her victory.
- In October of 1874 a collision between Montenegrins and Turks, resulting
- in a massacre, had taken place in Podgoritza. For this, in January, 1875,
- five Turks were condemned to death and twenty to imprisonment; but the Turkish
- Government refused to permit the execution of the sentence unless the
- Montenegrins implicated in the disturbance were surrendered, to be tried by
- Turkish courts on Turkish soil. Prince Nikita insisted on the unconditional
- punishment of the culprits, and prepared for war; but finally, through the
- mediation of the consuls of the three empires, the Porte was induced to recede
- from its demands, and orders were issued to the Governor of Scutari, in whose
- jurisdiction the Turkish prisoners had been tried, to execute the sentence of
- the court. In the mean time the prisoners had been allowed to escape, which
- did not prevent the Turkish Government, however, from reporting the sentence
- executed. The whole affair aroused such indignation in Montenegro that an
- informal kind of war might be said to have already begun, and events in Bosnia
- and Herzegovina soon fanned this hidden fire into an open conflagration.
- Great distress prevailed in the last-named provinces on account of the
- bad harvest of 1874; but the tax-gatherers, instead of taking this into
- consideration, carried off everything they could lay their hands on. According
- to the Turkish system, a tenth of all produce belonged to the Government, but
- this at times was raised to an eighth or a seventh. As the farmer of the
- taxes must also make his percentage, it not unfrequently came about that
- one-third of the produce was levied instead of one-tenth. To this must be
- added house, land, cattle, tobacco, and pasturage taxes; while, besides all
- these, the Christian population, not admitted to military service, were taxed
- for this involuntary dispensation. All these taxes, rendered doubly
- burdensome by the oppressive and unjust mode of their collection, were liable
- at any time to arbitrary increase on the part of the Government. (For
- example, the house-tax had been suddenly raised from four dollars and a half
- to thirteen dollars and a half). Some of the peasants, driven to desperation,
- offered resistance to the tax-collectors, and were beaten or thrown into
- prison; others sent a fruitless deputation to the Governor, Dervis Pacha.
- Hundreds of families fled with what they could collect to Croatia, Dalmatia,
- Montenegro, and Servia. In consequence of Prince Nikita's intercession,
- amnesty was promised to all those fugitives who would return; but no sooner
- did some of them venture back than the promise was broken.
- About this time occurred the Austrian Emperor's trip to Dalmatia, and the
- report spread that the object of his visit was the acquisition of Bosnia and
- Herzegovina by purchase. This report, together with the outspoken sympathy of
- Servia and Montenegro, increased the excitement, and on July 6, 1875, an
- insurrection broke out in Herzegovina. Orders had been given to collect the
- taxes in the village of Drashego, on the plateau of Nevesinye, by force. The
- revenue collectors and a mob of Mussulmans took advantage of the opportunity
- to plunder the inhabitants. The latter flew to arms and shot ten of the
- robbers dead. The news that a number of taxpayers had been shut into a house
- and burned alive added fuel to the flame. The women and children were at once
- despatched to Dalmatia, and in a few days those parts of Herzegovina bordering
- on that province and on Montenegro were in open rebellion.
- The war was prosecuted with the greatest cruelty on both sides. The
- Turkish forces were small and poorly equipped. The mountainous character of
- the country afforded great advantages for the prosecution of an irregular
- warfare, and Dalmatia and Montenegro assisted the insurgents with men and
- arms, so that at the outset the balance of success was in favor of the latter.
- This induced Dervis Pacha to accept the proffered mediation of the Roman
- Catholic Bishop of Mostar and open negotiations. The demands put forward by
- the rebels as the condition of laying down their arms were: a thorough reform
- of the system of taxation, the substitution of native for Turkish officials,
- and the establishment of a native militia for the maintenance of public order
- in the province; and these demands the Porte was certain not to grant, except,
- perhaps, on paper.
- According to the census of 1868 the Greek Catholics in Bosnia, including
- Herzegovina, numbered four hundred thirty-one thousand two hundred, the Roman
- Catholics one hundred seventy-one thousand seven hundred sixty-four, and the
- Mahometans four hundred eighteen thousand three hundred fifteen. A large part
- of the Mahometan population consisted of the territorial nobility (the oldest
- in Europe), who, although of Slavic origin, were yet fanatical adherents of
- Islam, having found it to their interest to change their religion after the
- conquest of the country by the Turks. These took no part in the rebellion,
- and even the Christian population did not rise in a body. The success of the
- insurrection seemed to depend upon the attitude of Servia and Montenegro, and
- at the outset those two countries were induced by the consuls of the three
- empires to profess a strict neutrality. Nevertheless, the Herzegovinians did
- not lose heart, and by the beginning of August they had put into the field
- against the Turks twelve to fourteen thousand men. The latter made great
- exertions to suppress the rebellion before it should give rise to serious
- diplomatic intervention, or involve the Porte in a war with the
- principalities. Dervis Pacha was succeeded by Reouf Pacha, and thirty
- thousand or forty thousand soldiers were gradually collected in Herzegovina.
- Against such a force the insurgents could not hope to maintain the field; but
- by means of a guerilla warfare they harassed the Turks at every point, and,
- when winter brought about a cessation of hostilities, the latter had made no
- real advance toward the suppression of the revolt.
- In the mean time the three empires, fearing that the insurrection, if not
- speedily suppressed, might result in an oriental war, had been making efforts
- to bring about an understanding between the Porte and its revolted subjects.
- Of the three, Germany was a comparatively disinterested observer; but, while
- Russia found the insurrection to her advantage, Austria was seriously
- embarrassed by a disturbance threatening to shake the status quo; and indeed,
- in order to understand Austria's attitude through this whole period, it must
- be borne in mind that the Austro-Hungarian Empire is not one firmly
- consolidated State, but merely a sort of agreement on the part of a parcel of
- States and provinces of differing nationalities and conflicting interests to
- maintain the status quo. August 18th the ambassadors of these three Powers
- tendered their good offices for the pacification of the revolt, and after
- considerable hesitation the Sultan accepted the offer. Server Pacha was sent
- as a commissioner to examine into the grievances of the insurgents, while the
- consuls of the six great Powers undertook to induce the rebels to lay down
- their arms and present their complaints before the commissioner. Server Pacha
- went to Mostar and made promises; the consuls travelled through the
- disaffected districts - Germany, Austria, and Italy, along the Austrian
- border; England, Russia, and France, through the interior. By their interviews
- with the leaders of the insurrection the consuls ascertained that the latter
- would not lay down their arms unless guarantees of the most tangible
- description were given for the execution of the desired reforms.
- On October 2d the Sultan issued an irade full of promises, and on
- December 12th a firman of similar character appeared. Members of the courts
- and of administrative councils were to be chosen by the people, without
- distinction of religious belief; suits between Mussulmans and Giaours were to
- be decided by the civil tribunals; arbitrary imprisonment was forbidden;
- tax-gatherers were made elective; the rights of property were secured; socage
- was abolished; the free exercise of their religion was guaranteed to the
- patriarchs and all other spiritual superiors; the right of holding public
- office and acquiring land was bestowed upon non-Mahometans.
- These reforms were not worth the paper on which they were written unless
- their execution was guaranteed and supervised by the great Powers, a
- responsibility which the latter were unwilling to assume. With great
- difficulty they were able to unite in a joint note. This was drawn up in
- behalf of the three empires by Andrassy, and, after receiving the approval of
- the three remaining great Powers, was presented to the Porte in an apologetic
- and inoffensive manner on January 31, 1876. Five points were insisted on as
- essential to the pacification of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Unlimited religious
- freedom; abolition of the system of farming the taxes; application of the
- direct revenue of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the benefit of those provinces;
- establishment of a special commission, consisting, in equal parts, of Moslems
- and Christians, to watch over the execution of the reforms; and improvement of
- the industrial condition of the country population. Mahmoud Pacha and his
- master went through the solemn farce of laying the propositions of the Powers
- before a ministerial council, after which they were accepted, with some
- modifications of the third proposition and published in an imperial irade of
- February 13th. A second irade on the 23d of the same month offered full
- amnesty to the rebels, safe return to the fugitives, protection against all
- oppression, a free gift of the necessary materials for rebuilding their
- houses, and corn for sowing their fields, together with remission of the tenth
- for one year, and of all other taxes for two years.
- The Andrassy note had become waste-paper, and the utterances of the
- Russian press showed that Russia appreciated the necessity of armed
- interference, and chafed at the restraint put upon her by the other Powers.
- The Powers which especially exercised this restraint were England and
- Austro-Hungary. Both Germans and Hungarians were opposed to annexation, as
- that would increase the strength of the Slavic element, which both of them
- already found too strong. The increase of Servia or the erection of a new
- Slavic state would make Russian influence in the Balkan Peninsula too
- powerful. Furthermore, the Magyars (numbering five million five hundred
- thousand, ruling over two million five hundred thousand Roumanians, one
- million five hundred thousand Germans, and five million Slavs), in their
- hatred of the Slavs in general and the Russians in particular, actually
- sympathized with the Turks. Consequently, Austria could not venture to
- advance her own frontier, except under pressure of actual necessity, neither
- could she allow the erection of any new Slavonic States or the increase of
- those already existing. But England adopted a simple policy of obstruction,
- encouraging the Porte in its opposition to all reform, rejecting the plans
- proposed by other Powers, and refusing to present any of her own; recognizing
- the principle of European concert, but doing all in her power to prevent the
- fact. At the outset she urged the Turk to put down the Herzegovinian
- insurrection with all speed, and used her whole power to bring about that
- result.
- In accordance with England's advice to suppress the revolt as soon as
- possible, and thus avoid all foreign interference, the Sultan raised Achmed
- Mukhtar Pacha to the chief command, and despatched him to the seat of the
- disturbance, with fresh forces, toward the close of December, 1875. But the
- Andrassy note (not yet formally presented) led to a change of policy, in so
- far that on January 24th Ali Pacha, formerly ambassador at Paris, appeared in
- Mostar as Governor-General of Herzegovina, commissioned by the Porte to
- appease the insurgents with promises. In addition to this, two special
- commissioners arrived, supplied with a small sum of money - enough to make a
- pretence, but nothing more - for the assistance of returning fugitives. At
- the same time a cessation of hostilities was proclaimed from March 29th to
- April 10th.
- While England and (following her lead) Austria were throwing all their
- influence into the scale against the insurgents, Russia stood forth as in a
- sense the champion of their just claims. On April 5th Vesselitzky, a private
- agent of Prince Gortschakoff, arrived in the Suttorina, and entered into
- negotiations with the insurgents. They demanded, as before, some guarantee
- for the execution of the promised reforms. Vesselitzky constituted himself
- their plenipotentiary, and set out for Berlin to present in person the address
- of the insurgents at the conference about to be held there.
- Before the close of the armistice in the south an insurrection broke out
- in the northwest, in Turkish Croatia, the centre of the movement being the
- little garrison town of Bisca. This new revolt was liberally supplied with
- men and arms from Servia, and a force of ten thousand rebels, some of them
- Mahometans, was soon brought together. Ibrahim Pacha, the Governor-General of
- Bosnia, found the force of fifteen thousand men at his disposal inadequate for
- the suppression of the revolt. On April 1st and 6th, and Palanka and
- Yagrenitza, his troops were defeated by the insurgents, the latter fighting
- under the battle-cry "Long live the Emperor of Austria!"
- In the south, on the close of the armistice, Mukhtar Pacha set out from
- Gacko, through the Duga Pass, to provision the hard-pressed fortress of
- Niksic, but was defeated and driven back with great loss. Mukhtar represented
- to his Government that seven thousand Montenegrins took part in this battle,
- and orders were thereupon issued to establish a camp at Scutari, with a view
- to an invasion of Montenegro. Russia, whose protege Prince Nikita was, called
- upon the other great Powers to assist her in averting war, and General
- Ignatieff and Count Zichy, the Russian and Austrian ambassadors at
- Constantinople, denied absolutely the credibility of Mukhtar's report. The
- Sultan finally yielded to their representations and professedly countermanded
- his orders. The same pressure was not brought to bear in behalf of Servia,
- and before the close of April forty thousand men were assembled in the Turkish
- camp at Nish, on the southern border of that principality.
- On May 10th Gortschakoff had a meeting with Bismarck and Andrassy in
- Berlin, and laid before them a memorandum based upon the Andrassy note. A
- truce of two months was to be proclaimed in order to settle the points in
- dispute with the insurgents; the execution of the promised reforms was to be
- supervised by the consuls of the great Powers; and an international fleet was
- to be despatched to the support of the consuls. "More effectual" measures
- were held in view, in case nothing had been accomplished before the expiration
- of the two months. This memorandum was adopted by the three emperors and
- communicated to the other three great Powers. France and Italy accepted it
- without reserve, but England refused her assent on the ground that the Porte
- had not yet had sufficient time in which to carry out the reforms, and that
- the suggestion of "more effectual" measures would lead the rebels to persist
- in their rebellion, while the supervision by foreign consuls was an
- inadmissible interference with the sovereign rights of the Sultan. The
- English Cabinet even went so far as to communicate the contents of the
- memorandum to the Porte, and in effect advised resistance to the will of
- Europe by means of a dilatory policy - adding, however, that Turkey could rely
- on nothing more than moral support from England. The memorandum itself was
- never presented to the Turkish Government, the course of events rendering it
- superfluous.
- In the mean time an event had occurred at Saloniki which involved the
- Porte in threatening complications with two of the neutral or disinterested
- great Powers. A mob of Turkish fanatics murdered the German and French
- consuls, on May 6th, by the command or at the instigation of the chief of
- police, the disturbance which led to their interference having originated in
- an attempt on his part to carry off a Bulgarian maiden for his harem. Germany
- and France at once demanded satisfaction, and French, German, Italian,
- Russian, Austrian, and Greek ships-of-war appeared in the harbor of Saloniki
- to protect the foreign residents; whereupon England despatched twelve
- ironclads to Besika Bay to guard the mouth of the Dardanelles. The peremptory
- attitude of the injured Powers compelled the Porte, after some shambling and
- delay, to punish, not merely, according to its usual custom, ignorant tools
- and inoffensive lookers-on, but even pachas and a chief of police.
- Of a sudden great excitement displayed itself among the softas (or
- students), of whom there were about ten thousand at mosques in Constantinople.
- Providing themselves with arms, they marched in crowds through the city, and
- drew up a programme, in which they demanded, among other things, an assembly
- of notables, and the recall of Ignatieff by the Russian Government. They
- likewise clamored for the annihilation of the revolt in Herzegovina, and for
- war with Montenegro. On May 11th they presented themselves before the palace
- with arms in their hands, and demanded the removal of Mahmoud Pacha and the
- Sheik-ul-Islam. Their demands were granted; but, instead of Midhat Pacha, the
- man of their choice, Mehemed Rushdi Pacha was made grand vizier. This was
- counterbalanced, however, by the appointment of Hussein Avni Pacha, the soul
- of the movement, as Minister of War and Commander-in-Chief of the army. This
- was only a beginning. Abdul-Aziz was not the man for the energetic policy
- required by his new counsellors. His greed, his extravagance, his leanings
- toward Russia, had long since deprived him of all respect. On May 29th the
- grand vizier, the Sheik-ul-Islam, Midhat Pacha, and the Minister of War
- resolved to dethrone this worthless and dissipated Sultan, and place the
- legitimate heir, Amurath, eldest son of the deceased Sultan, Abdul-Medjid, on
- the throne in his stead. Their plan was carried out, and the deposed monarch
- was forthwith removed to the kiosk Top-Capu, thence to the Palace of
- Therragan, where he appears to have committed suicide a few days later.
- But before Abdul-Aziz ceased to reign, one of the cruellest tragedies
- that modern history records had been enacted in Bulgaria. Ever since the
- Crimean War it had been the policy of the Turkish Government to eradicate the
- Bulgarians, and settle Tartars and Circassians in the provinces south of the
- Danube, in order to form a strong bulwark against Slavic aggression from the
- north. The Tartars remained almost exclusively in the Dobrudja; the
- Circassians spread through the mountainous regions of Bulgaria. Bravely
- though the latter had fought against the Russians in their native mountains,
- in Bulgaria they proved nothing more than lazy robbers. Work they would not;
- they lived by plundering the unfortunate natives.
- At length, inspired by the example of Herzegovina and Bosnia, and incited
- in all probability by Russian and Servian agents, after vain complaints and
- petitions, on May 1, 1876, some young men raised the standard of revolt
- against such shameless oppression at Drenovo, near Tirnova. Almost at the
- same time an insurrection broke out in the region between Philippopolis and
- Sofia, and soon the insurgents numbered about ten thousand men. Abdul-Kerim,
- commander of the army in Roumelia and Bulgaria, could not muster more than
- fifteen thousand regular troops, and so recourse was had to the expedient of
- commissioning Bashi-Bazouks - volunteers without uniform - or, in other words,
- arming the Mahometan population to suppress the revolt. Even the prisons were
- emptied, and murderers were enrolled to put down the rebellion. Such a course
- could not fail to result in massacres of the most atrocious description. The
- insurrection was soon suppressed, but the massacres continued. It appears to
- have been the intention of the Turkish Government to break the spirit of the
- Bulgarian people finally and completely, and thus render any future revolt an
- impossibility. The number of the luckless victims of this barbarous policy
- has been variously estimated at three thousand to one hundred thousand.
- Batak was the place that suffered most severely, as it is also the name
- best known in connection with the massacres. All the Bulgarian villages in
- the neighborhood had been destroyed before the Bashi-Bazouks appeared at
- Batak, on May 12th. Hitherto the villagers of Batak had enjoyed immunity, and
- as they were under the special protection of Achmed Aga, the leader of the
- Bashi-Bazouks, they were in hopes that the storm might leave them untouched.
- Achmed Aga, as chief of police of the district, called upon the inhabitants to
- surrender their arms. His demand was at once complied with. One of the men
- that brought the weapons was shot dead, and the rest were sent back with
- orders to bring all the gold and jewellery in the place. But, without
- awaiting their return, the Bashi-Bazouks fell upon the hapless village,
- proclaiming themselves commissioned by the Sultan to rob and murder all the
- inhabitants. The headman of the village was impaled upon a spit and roasted
- alive. Of the women, some were stripped naked, robbed of their jewellery,
- outraged, and then murdered - others were carried off to grace the harems of
- neighboring Turkish magnates. A correspondent describing the appearance of
- the village a few weeks later said: "The path was strewn with bones and
- children's skulls; on the hill lay one hundred fifty whitened skeletons, still
- half covered with clothes. When the sack of the village was completed the
- girls and women were brought to this spot, where, after the most terrible
- abuse, they were slaughtered like cattle. Before the church a hideous odor
- greeted us. The churchyard is surrounded by a wall six feet high. The space
- between this wall and the church was filled in three feet deep with corpses,
- which were covered with nothing but stone slabs. The church itself was full
- of mouldering pieces of flesh, half-burnt bones, and bloody garments.
- Opposite the church stood the schoolhouse, where three hundred women and
- children sought refuge and were burned alive by the Bashi-Bazouks. At the
- lowest estimate four thousand corpses were lying unburied in the village.
- Before the massacre Batak numbered thirteen thousand inhabitants: it now
- numbers one thousand two hundred. If we estimate the missing at one thousand,
- there still remains a difference of more than eleven thousand to be ascribed
- to the account of the Turks."
- A correspondent writing from Bulgaria on August 15th said: "The actual
- participants in the May insurrection were long ago sent to their last account;
- since then the authorities have been casting into prison chiefly innocent men,
- who never thought of rising against the Government. Of one thousand
- twenty-eight Bulgarians who were imprisoned at Tirnova, only four had been
- guilty of any acts of insubordination; the rest were merchants, clergymen,
- teachers, and peasants. About eight hundred unoffending clergymen and
- teachers have been put to death. The rich merchants in Grabrovo, Tirnova,
- Lovatz, and other places were seized in their shops and killed almost without
- exception; their property fell to the treasury, or rather to the officials,
- who shared it among themselves. The poorer prisoners were for the most part
- allowed to live. So far five thousand six hundred twenty-eight persons have
- been released from prison."
- All doubt as to the complicity of the Government is dispelled when it is
- remembered that the worst offenders were rewarded - the commander of
- Pestuvizza with a silver medal, Tussoum Bey of Klissura with the Medjidi
- order, and Achmed Aga of Batak with promotion to the Yuzbashi.
- The Bulgarian massacre could not fail to excite the greatest indignation
- in all Europe, but more especially in Servia and Montenegro. Servia had long
- hesitated between peace and war. She had to fear, not alone the superior
- strength of the Turks, but also the jealousy of Austria, or rather Hungary,
- which had no desire to encourage the dream of a great Servia. In February of
- 1876 the war party at length gained the upper hand, and made such open
- preparations for a campaign against Turkey that Austria and Russia united in a
- joint note urging the Servian Government to refrain from hostilities. In
- Belgrad Austria was looked upon as the only obstacle; and popular indignation
- ran so high that on April 9th, the national festival, stones were thrown at
- the Austrian consulate. Austrian influence did not prove strong enough to
- hold the Servians back. On May 5th an unmistakable war ministry was formed,
- with Ristic as Minister for Foreign Affairs; and on the 22d a national loan of
- twelve million francs was decreed. Prince Nikita at once placed himself at
- the head of the Herzegovinian movement, and issued orders to the insurgents.
- On June 26th the latter proclaimed him as their prince, and two days later the
- Bosnian insurgents, imitating their example, proclaimed Prince Milan Prince of
- Bosnia. The Servian army had been for some time assembled on the border,
- while the Turks had also collected a considerable force on their side of the
- line.
- After some diplomatic correspondence the Servian Government despatched an
- ultimatum on June 27th demanding the "removal from the Servian frontier of the
- Turkish army, together with the wild hordes of Bashi-Bazouks, Circassians,
- Arnauts [Albanians], and Kurds," the appointment of Prince Milan as viceroy of
- Bosnia, and the occupation of the disturbed provinces by the Servian army.
- The union of Bosnia with Servia, and Herzegovina with Montenegro, seemed to
- the Porte too high a price for the maintenance of peace; accordingly on July
- 2d the Servian army crossed the Turkish border, and at the same time Prince
- Nikita, who had already called into the field the whole able-bodied population
- between the ages of seventeen and sixty, announced to the Porte that he
- preferred open war to the state of virtual siege in which his principality was
- kept by the Turkish forces on the border.
- The Servian field army numbered about eighty thousand men; but of these
- only three thousand were regular troops, while there was no reserve from which
- to supply the losses of battle.
- Russia manifested the liveliest sympathy for the Servians. Of the six to
- eight thousand foreign volunteers in the Servian army fully three thousand
- were Russians, and many of the officers were of the same nationality. Money
- and hospital stores were freely supplied from the Northern Empire; the Empress
- put herself at the head of the benevolent societies organized for the benefit
- of the Servians and Montenegrins; collections were taken up from house to
- house; and numerous ladies and physicians hastened to offer their services at
- the seat of war. The Emperor maintained an attitude of reserve, but the whole
- nation saluted the Servians and Montenegrins as brothers fighting in the
- common quarrel of the Slavonic race. The Montenegrin army, consisting almost
- exclusively of militia, numbered fifteen thousand men, divided into two parts,
- in order to make head at the same time toward the north and south. The
- insurgents in Herzegovina were under the command of the Prince of Montenegro,
- while those in Bosnia fought independently. The Turkish army at the outset of
- the campaign numbered one hundred fifty thousand men, under the command of
- Abdul-Kerim; and this force was constantly increased by fresh troops from Asia
- and Africa, who were paid by means of Abdul-Aziz's confiscated treasures. The
- Turks were seriously impeded, however, in their prosecution of the war by the
- fact that they were compelled to recognize the neutrality of the Danube; in
- addition to which the harbor of Klek, where reenforcements were to have been
- debarked for Mukhtar Pacha, was closed by the Austrians.
- On July 2d Chernayeff crossed the Turkish frontier, and severed the
- communications between Abdul-Kerim at Nish and Osman Pacha at Viddin. But he
- was unable to maintain his position, and on the 14th Abdul-Kerim became in his
- turn the invader. On August 4th and 5th the Servians were defeated at
- Knyazebac; but Abdul-Kerim did not know how to improve his victory, and
- Chernayeff was allowed to fortify himself at Bania and Alexinatz. This
- position was attacked by the Turks on August 19th, but after six days'
- fighting they were repulsed. The attack was renewed on the 28th, but with the
- same result. An attack on September 1st was more successful, and after eleven
- hours' fighting the Turks carried the Servian position before Alexinatz; but
- again they failed to improve their victory, and Chernayeff was allowed to
- intrench himself between Alexinatz and Deligrad. On the 11th and 16th the
- Servians assumed the offensive, but were repulsed.
- The campaign had lasted ten weeks, and had resulted slightly to the
- disadvantage of the Servians; their main army, together with the army of the
- Timok, had been worsted, and the smaller forces operating in the northwest and
- southwest had proved too weak to accomplish anything. For the rest, although
- the Montenegrins has been victorious in both the north and the south, all the
- other allies on whom Servia had counted had failed her utterly. Neither
- Roumania nor Greece had moved; Bulgaria was crushed, and the Bosnians were
- held in check by the Turks.
- It was no wonder, therefore, that the demand for peace should make itself
- heard in Belgrad, and on September 16th a ten-days' armistice was concluded.
- This armistice was the direct work of the great Powers. The Gortschakoff
- memorandum never had been presented to the Porte, on account of the revolution
- of May 30th. The leaders of that revolution, Hasan Avni Pacha and Midhat
- Pacha, while agreed in their hostility to Russia, differed radically in regard
- to internal policy. The former belonged to the old Turks, and clung to
- ancient forms and customs; the latter believed in pretending to rule according
- to European methods. On June 15th Hasan Avni Pacha and Rashid Pacha were
- murdered. Their places in the Cabinet were supplied by Abdul-Kerim and Savfet
- Pacha, the former Minister of Justice. On June 9th, in the House of Commons,
- Disraeli expressed himself full of hope and confidence in reference to the new
- Turkish era thus inaugurated. Perhaps it was unwillingness to hamper the new
- Government in its work of reform which led the English ambassador at
- Constantinople, or the English Government, or both, to suppress the
- information in their hands regarding the atrocities in Bulgaria. The London
- Times also suppressed the communications of its correspondent regarding the
- massacres, so that the first information which reached the English people came
- through the columns of the Daily News, on June 26th. The Ministry, when
- questioned in Parliament, denied all knowledge of such events. Ultimately,
- however, they were forced to send a commissioner to investigate the alleged
- outrages. As fuller news arrived a revulsion in public opinion set in, and
- the Government finally found itself obliged to instruct the English ambassador
- in Constantinople (September 5th) that so much public indignation had been
- aroused by the late events in Bulgaria that, even in the extreme case of a war
- with Russia, England would not be able to interfere for the protection of the
- Ottoman Empire.
- England's pro-Turkish attitude naturally excited the greatest indignation
- in Russia, where all classes of the population were clamorous for war with
- Turkey. On July 8th a meeting took place at Reichstadt between Alexander and
- Francis Joseph, attended by their chancellors, at which it appears to have
- been decided that no armed intervention should be attempted for the present,
- and that neither State should in any case act independently of the other.
- Germany naturally assented to this arrangement. General Klapka, one of the
- heroes of 1848, arrived in Constantinople on July 21st, and put himself at the
- disposal of the Turkish Government, his intention being to raise a Hungarian
- legion to fight under the crescent against the Christian Slavs. This project
- met with the hearty approval of the Hungarian press. On October 23d the
- students of Pest expressed to Minister-President Tisza wish to hold a
- torchlight procession in honor of the Turkish consul, and on January 13, 1877,
- a deputation of Hungarian students presented Abdul-Kerim, the conqueror of the
- Servians, with a sabre as "a pledge of the intimate friendship between the two
- countries." The Magyars were also influenced by interest as well as sentiment,
- for they perceived that a strong Slavonic State to the south must result in
- giving the five million Slavs in Hungary a share in its government.
- In addition to England and the Magyars, one other friend of Turkish rule
- should be mentioned, namely, the Pope. The ground of this friendship was
- indicated in an article in the Voce della Verita, a Vatican sheet, to the
- effect that the rule of the Turkish crescent was preferable to that of the
- Greek Catholic cross. This alliance, which restrained from revolt the Roman
- Catholic population in Bosnia and Herzegovina, was very welcome to the Porte,
- and the latter showed its gratitude by settling certain difficulties that had
- arisen regarding the Armenian Church, and promising to bestow special
- privileges on its Roman Catholic subjects.
- The Sultan with whom Servia must negotiate a peace was no longer Amurath
- V. The "reformer of the Turkish Empire," after a reign of three months, fell
- a victim to an incurable brain trouble, and on August 31st his brother,
- Abdul-Hamid II, was declared Sultan in his stead. The great Powers, which had
- been negotiating in Constantinople and Belgrad with a view to peace, left it
- to the Porte to propose the terms, and on September 14th the latter laid
- before their representatives the plan of a treaty; but it was not acceptable.
- England, which had heretofore refused to act in harmony with the other Powers,
- was allowed to propose terms of peace. On September 25th Sir Henry Elliot
- submitted to the Porte the following propositions: Restoration of the status
- quo ante in Servia and Montenegro, the establishment of administrative
- autonomy in Bosnia, Herzegovina, and Bulgaria, and the execution of the
- reforms indicated in the Andrassy note. The official answer, communicated on
- October 2d, while accepting the first two conditions, refused autonomy to the
- three provinces on the ground that a constitution, including a central
- parliament, was about to be granted to the whole empire, and all branches of
- the administration thoroughly reformed.
- But before matters had reached this point hostilities had been again
- resumed. On September 28th Chernayeff, who had taken advantage of the truce
- to proclaim Prince Milan King of Servia, and cause the army to take the oath
- of allegiance to him, resumed the offensive, destroyed the two bridges which
- Abdul-Kerim had thrown across the Morava, and attacked the Turks. When
- victory seemed within his grasp, Hafiz Pacha arrived on the scene with
- thirty-three thousand fresh troops, and the Servians were repulsed. After a
- long pause, on October 19th the Turks attacked the Servian positions, and by
- the 31st of that month Alexinatz had been taken and destroyed and the way
- opened into the interior.
- On October 30th Ignatieff, in an interview with Savfet Pacha, informed
- the latter, in the name of the Russian Emperor, that; unless within
- twenty-four hours the Porte signified its willingness to conclude an armistice
- with Servia of six weeks or two months, Russia would break off her political
- relations with the Sultan. What Turkey might venture to refuse to the united
- demands of the disunited great Powers she did not dare to refuse to Russia
- alone, and on October 31st a two-months' truce with Servia was signed.
- England at once proposed a conference of the Powers on the basis of the
- integrity of the Ottoman Empire, with a view to establishing administrative
- autonomy in Bosnia, Herzegovina, and Bulgaria; and after some objections from
- the Porte, all the Powers sent delegates to the Conference at Constantinople.
- On November 2d the Czar, in a conversation with Lord Loftus, the English
- ambassador at St. Petersburg, pledged his word that he did not aim at the
- acquisition of constantinople, and that in case it became necessary to occupy
- Bulgaria the occupation should be merely temporary. But it soon appeared that
- the English Government was not satisfied. On November 9th, at the Lord
- Mayor's banquet, Lord Beaconsfield, after glorifying the strength and
- resources of Great Britain, said: "In a righteous cause England is not the
- country that will have to inquire whether she can enter upon a second or third
- campaign. In a righteous cause England will commence a fight that will not
- end till right is done." The allusion was manifest, and the Emperor
- Alexander's speech to the nobles at Moscow on the following day was an evident
- answer to the challenge contained in the English Premier's words. If he could
- not succeed in obtaining, with the concert of Europe, he said, such guarantees
- as he thought it necessary to exact, he was firmly determined to act
- independently, and was convinced that all Russia would respond to his summons.
- On the 13th the Czar ordered the formation of six army corps out of the
- divisions stationed in the military districts of Odessa, Charkoff, and Kiev,
- and appointed the Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaievitch their commander. A Crimean
- army was also to be formed under the command of General Semyeka, and large
- reenforcements were ordered for Loris Melikoff in the Caucasus. In an
- explanatory circular Gortschakoff informed the great Powers that Russia was
- determined not to rest until justice had been done to the Christian subjects
- of the Porte. On November 18th a loan of one hundred million rubles was
- ordered, which was taken up in the Russian Empire within eight days. Orders
- were also issued placing the railroads at the disposal of the military
- authorities, the export of grain and horses was forbidden, torpedoes were laid
- at the entrances of the most important Black Sea harbors, and other necessary
- preparations made for war. These measures called forth, not alone diplomatic
- protests and inquiries from the English Cabinet, but also
- counter-preparations, and on November 18th it was announced that, in case
- Bulgaria were occupied by Russian troops, England would occupy Gallipoli and
- Constantinople in order to secure the Bosporus and the Dardanelles against the
- Russian fleet.
- Turkey was not idle. Military preparations were pushed forward, and at
- the same time a constitution intended to checkmate the approaching conference
- was under preparation. On November 21st this instrument was completed and
- laid before the Sultan for his signature. As it conferred upon the Christians
- political equality with the Mahometans, Mehemet Rushdi Pacha, a fanatical Old
- Turk, opposed it; but on December 19th his resignation was tendered, on
- account of "ill-health," and Midhat Pacha became grand vizier in his stead.
- On the 23d the new constitution was published in the presence of the
- dignitaries of the realm, while cannon thundered forth their welcome to the
- newborn sham. It is needless to mention all the beneficial provisions of this
- document, for they never were executed, and it was not intended that they
- should be. The constitution was to serve as an excuse for paying no attention
- to the advice of Europe. The conference proper was opened on the 23d, Savfet
- Pacha presiding. Count Chaudordy had hardly presented the proposition of the
- great Powers when the sound of cannon was heard, and Savfet Pacha announced
- that a constitution had been granted and a new era had begun. This did not
- have the desired effect, however, and on January 1st the Porte found itself
- obliged to lay before the conference a counter-proposition. On January 15th
- the Powers as an ultimatum presented their demands in a somewhat modified
- form, omitting among other things the condition with reference to the
- employment of foreign troops, but giving their representatives a voice in the
- selection of governors, and providing two commissions appointed by the great
- Powers for the general supervision of the reforms.
- The position of the Porte was difficult in the extreme; for if these two
- conditions were accepted, the independence of the Turkish Government was lost;
- while, if they were rejected, war was inevitable. On January 18th a meeting
- of the Extraordinary Grand Council was called, at which two hundred fifteen
- persons were present, including the Grecian Patriarch and delegates from the
- Armenian Patriarch, the Bulgarian Exarch, and the Grand Rabbi. The council
- advised resistance, and on the 20th the Porte communicated to the conference
- its rejection of the two obnoxious conditions. In their stead the Porte
- offered no guarantee but promises, and so the conference came to a close.